Dear friends, donors, supporters, providers of useful information, and connectors with well-matched contacts,
Now that I have successfully settled in New York and can begin working on my art in an environment full of opportunities, I would like to sincerely thank all of you.
Over the next few months, I will share with you various materials on these pages—photos, videos, and texts—that will testify to everything I have gone through, the obstacles I have overcome through my stubbornness, perseverance, endless patience, and, of course, your financial, moral, emotional, and informational support.
Video excerpts
☞ For interviews, bookings, or other inquiries:, WhatsApp +385 99 200 40 40, mobile call +1 929 774 2754.
You can find a detailed acknowledgment of everyone who made this dream possible, along with a list of essential needs for 2025 to sustain my artistic journey in New York, in this post: A List: Everyone Who Made This Dream Possible, and What Is Required to Sustain It.
The Jump
To jump is never the easiest thing to do.
To make a successful jump, you must practice leaping.
You have to be really, really, really good at leaping.
And you are.
And you are.
And you are!
To make a really big jump, you must leave some things behind.
You have to leave the colors and the sun.
You have to leave the faces and the reflections of yourself in them.
The wrong reflections.
Not worthy. Anymore.
To take an uncharted jump, one for which you have no blueprint—
an unimaginable sort of jump—
You must be really, really, really good at leaving things behind.
To jump and transform it into flying,
Spreading your wings into the unknown, the strange, the blank,
You must be utterly, deeply, madly in love with change.
As you let go of all colors and the sun,
When faces with their false reflections start to fade,
You’ll uncover the abundance of change, the new, the you.
The rain will whisper farewell, fly well,
The clouds will show they need not be black,
And the lights of the night will reveal what endless means.
What boundlessness is.
Where frames are erased.
How “no” is no longer a word.
Into a blue suitcase, you will pack your all.
You will sleep at the airport with an empty mind.
Because, for you, being happy enough is knowing that change is coming.
At the start of this journey, you will make new friends.
Their faces will show clearer, truer reflections of you.
More than ever before, “Thank you” will become your refrain.
Because it will feel so good to be seen.
Understood when you speak.
Your family will send you off with flowers pointing to the sun—
Always worthy tokens of good luck to have by a seeker’s side.
You’ll say goodbye, hoping some of the sun remains with them.
You will say goodbye, and thank you for all the fish.
You will say thank you, and ask, “Please, don’t mind me leaving.”
Please, you’ll ask, “Remain by my side.”
You will say thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you!
To endless no’s at home.
To every good luck while packing.
To flowing-in welcomes since landing.
You will say thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you!
To them.
To those.
To yourself.